fácil is a provider of self-service check-in solutions for hotels, offering an app and a kiosk. The app enables hotel guests to check in, open rooms, order services, pay and check out, all by the use of a smartphone. This is great for people wanting to get things done without always having to stand in a line. fácil makes hotel stays comfortable, relaxing, and easier.
The kiosk is a way to let hotels without fancy door locks offer self-service check-in for their guests. fácil does that by making it possible for the guests to check in, check out, and pay at the kiosk placed in the reception.
The project started with an exploration of other apps and solutions in the hotel field. Together with the CEO and COO we decided where fácil should be positioned. We then started the process of nailing the branding.

The selected logomark consists of a pin, speech bubble, and an acute accent. It is made by turning the "a" in fácil 45 degrees, and keeping the acute accent. The acute accent is kept as a reference to the logotype, and makes the logomark recognizable even without the logotype beside it. When the shape of the logomark and -type was close to finished, I tried out different color schemes. Since we wanted fácil to stand out from the mass of hotel apps, we soon found out that we wanted a color that really popped.
When we were sure that the branding had the desired effect and expression of the company, the process of developing the interface for the app started.
We started laying out flowcharts, IA models and wireframes based on the research we had previously done and the strategy we wanted to take. With the users in mind through the process it lead us to a good foundation for today's app where the users can do key tasks in just a few taps.

The functionality we scoped out was:
• Bookings overview
• Check in
• Check out
• Receipt preview
• Payment
• Digital key
• Overview of services (restaurants, transport, spa, etc.)

We know that receptionists and hoteliers have busy workdays, and to support their need of a clear overview of all guests we developed a dashboard. The dashboard is connected to the app, designed to get a good overview with a glimpse at the screen. Here guests are listed with their current check in-status as well as other necessary booking details.
Among other pages we added a page for 'Hotel Settings' where the manager are able to edit the welcome message, add info about the services and amenities, and send out special offers for spa treatment or a nice dinner to the guests.

Thanks for watching
The case study and showcase is currently being worked on, and sections about 'Kiosk' and 'Marketing Material', as well as more pictures showing the process will be published shortly.
(Written 9th of July 2020)